Digital Technologies

Entry Level Award in Digital Skills for Work (Entry 1)


What is the purpose of this qualification?

To provide learners with the digital skills they need for everyday life and to support progression to Essential Digital Skills qualifications

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

The qualification is based on the Essential Digital Skills qualifications covering the following skill areas:

  • Managing information
  • Problem solving
  • Communicating
  • Creating
  • Transacting.

At Entry level 1 learners will develop the digital skills to help them engage in every day activities including for informal communication purposes. 


Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

  • Cost: £150
  • Qualification Number:603/4239/0
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Entry Level Award in Digital Skills for Work (Entry 2)


What is the purpose of this qualification?

To provide learners with the digital skills they need for everyday life and to support progression to Essential Digital Skills qualifications

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

The qualification is based on the Essential Digital Skills qualifications covering the following skill areas:

  • Managing information
  • Problem solving
  • Communicating
  • Creating
  • Transacting.

At Entry level 2 learners will develop digital skills that will be useful to them in every day lives to engage with family and friends or to carry out simple personal and household tasks. They will also use digital skills safely and responsibly.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

  • Cost: £150
  • Qualification Number:603/4240/7
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Entry Level Award in Digital Skills for Work (Entry 3)


What is the purpose of this qualification?

To provide learners with the digital skills they need for everyday life and to support progression to Essential Digital Skills qualifications


What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

The qualification is based on the Essential Digital Skills qualifications covering the following skill areas:

  • Managing information
  • Problem solving
  • Communicating
  • Creating
  • Transacting.

At Entry level 3 learners will develop the ability to use digital skills in every day life to carry out routine personal and household tasks, to communicate with family and friends and the knowledge and understanding to go online and use digital devices safely and responsibly.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

  • Cost: £150
  • Qualification Number:603/4241/9
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Entry Level Award in Equality and Diversity (Entry 3)


What is the purpose of this qualification?

The qualification is intended to give learners an understanding of equality and diversity and their value to society. It will also help them recognise how and when equality and diversity can be promoted.


The qualification is assessed via an online assessment.


What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will acquire an introductory understanding of equality, diversity, inclusion, stereotyping and discrimination and the fundamentals of UK law about these. They will also learn about promoting equality and diversity.


How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

Gateway Qualifications offers similar personal and social development qualifications, but the assessment approach for this one is different. Assessment is available on-demand via an online multiple-choice test which is externally set and marked.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

  • Cost: £150
  • Qualification Number:603/5967/5
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Entry Level Award in Keeping Safe and Healthy in the Digital World (Entry 3)


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification develops learners’ understanding of potential online harms and gives them strategies for keeping safe online and maintaining their own digital wellbeing.

The qualification is assessed via an online assessment.


What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will gain an introductory understanding of harmful online content and interactions, ways to keep themselves safe from these and how to report them where appropriate. They will also learn about digital resilience and digital wellbeing so that they are better able to keep self and healthy as an online user.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

Gateway Qualifications offers several similar qualifications, which either have a different focus in terms of content or a different assessment method. For example:
Awards in E-safety which cover safe online practice (but not digital resilience or well-being) and are assessed through a portfolio of evidence (rather than through an online test); Awards in Keeping Safe and Healthy which include reference to online safety and digital wellbeing (alongside real-world health and safety); Awards in British Values which cover online safety (but only in the context of radicalisation and extremism).

Assessment for this qualification is available on-demand via an online multiple-choice test which is externally set and marked. 

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

  • Cost: £150
  • Qualification Number:603/5965/1
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 1 Award in Digital Skills for Work


What is the purpose of this qualification?

The Basic Digital Skills Report 2018 published following a Digital Skills survey conducted by Ipsos Mori (commissioned by Lloyds Banking Group) found that around 4.3 million (8%) of the UK population have no Basic Digital Skills and 11.3 million adults (21%) do not have all five Digital Skills of:

  • Managing information
  • Problem solving
  • Communicating
  • Creating
  • Transacting.

Having no or lacking digital skills is a barrier for adults in their careers. The report found that those without/lacking digital skills:

  • earn on average £13,000 less than those with all five digital skills
  • are less likely to progress in their careers
  • miss out on significant savings that can be made through online transactions

These small, single unit, qualification has been developed to support learners to develop digital skills within a work-related context. It is based on the Essential Digital Skills Framework.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop the digital skills to handle information, create and edit digital content, use online communication modes, work safely and responsibly and to identify and solve technical problems.


Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

  • Cost: £150
  • Qualification Number:603/5965/1
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 1 Award in Equality and Diversity


What is the purpose of this qualification?

The qualification is intended to give learners an understanding of equality and diversity and their value to society. It will also help them recognise how and when equality and diversity can be promoted.


The qualification is assessed via an online assessment.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will acquire an introductory understanding of equality, diversity, inclusion, stereotyping and discrimination and the fundamentals of UK law in relation to these. They will also learn about promoting equality and diversity.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

Gateway Qualifications offers similar personal and social development qualifications, but the assessment approach for this one is different. Assessment is available on-demand via an online multiple-choice test which is externally set and marked.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

  • Cost: £150
  • Qualification Number:603/5966/3
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 1 Award in Keeping Safe and Healthy in the Digital World


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification develops learners’ understanding of potential online harms and give them strategies for keeping safe online and maintaining their own digital well-being.

The qualification is assessed via an online assessment.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will gain an introductory understanding of harmful online content and interactions, ways to keep themselves safe from these and how to report them where appropriate. They will also learn about digital resilience and digital wellbeing so that they are better able to keep self and healthy as an online user.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

Gateway Qualifications offers a number of similar qualifications, which either have a different focus in terms of content or a different assessment method. For example:

Awards in E-safety which cover safe online practice (but not digital resilience or well-being) and are assessed through a portfolio of evidence (rather than through an online test); Awards in Keeping Safe and Healthy which include reference to online safety and digital wellbeing (alongside real-world health and safety); Awards in British Values which cover online safety (but only in the context of radicalisation and extremism).


Assessment for this qualification is available on-demand via an online multiple-choice test which is externally set and marked.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

  • Cost: £150
  • Qualification Number:603/5963/8
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 1 Award in Cybersecurity

What is the purpose of this qualification?

The purpose of this qualification is for learners to learn about cybercrime. They will understand routine protective methods used to maintain cybersecurity including the principles of vulnerability and penetration testing and user access control.

Why choose this qualification?

This single-unit qualification is designed for learners to learn about cybercrime. They will understand routine protective methods used to maintain cybersecurity including the principles of vulnerability and penetration testing and user access control. While they can easily be offered as stand-alone bite-sized awards, the new qualifications could also be usefully combined with other units or qualifications into meaningful packages of learning.

The single unit within each qualification is also included within Digital and IT Skills qualifications.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will learn about cybercrime and the risks and effects it has on individuals and organisations.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6526/2
  • Duration: 3 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 1 Award in Games Design and Development


What is the purpose of this qualification?

In this unit, learners will develop an initial idea into a game prototype. They will create visuals to show what the game will look like, as well as a design proposal that outlines aspects of the game. They will then present their game prototype and review their performance.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of games design and development.

Why choose this qualification?

This single unit qualification is designed for learners to develop an initial idea into a game prototype. They will create visuals to show what the game will look like, as well as a design proposal that outlines aspects of the game. They will then present their game prototype and review their performance. While they can easily be offered as stand-alone bite-sized awards, the new qualifications could also be usefully combined with other units or qualifications into meaningful packages of learning.


The single unit within each qualification is also included within Digital and IT Skills qualifications.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6532/8
  • Duration: 3 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 1 Award in Introduction to Programming

What is the purpose of this qualification?

Learners will learn about the basic principles of computer programming to understand how programming works. They will develop graphic-based programming skills to design and develop their own computer program.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of computer programming.

Why choose this qualification?

This single-unit qualification is designed for learners to learn about the principles of computer programming to understand how programming works. They will develop text-based programming skills to design and develop their own computer program.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6528/6
  • Duration: 3 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 1 Award in Photo Editing Software


What is the purpose of this qualification?

Learners will understand how to use photo editing software to enhance and modify digital photos. They will develop the skills to correct photos and how to merge and combine photo elements to create digital images.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of photo editing software.

Why choose this qualification?

This single-unit qualification is designed for learners to understand how to use photo editing software to enhance and modify digital photos. They will learn how to select and layer photo compositions and develop the skills to enhance photos using colour correction and adjustment techniques. They will also learn how to merge and combine photo elements to create professional digital images. While they can easily be offered as stand-alone bite-sized awards, the new qualifications could also be usefully combined with other units or qualifications into meaningful packages of learning.


The single unit within each qualification is also included within Digital and IT Skills qualifications.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6746/5
  • Duration: 3 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 1 Award in Website Design


What is the purpose of this qualification?

Learners will learn how to create a simple website using tools and techniques to add functionality, navigation buttons and hyperlinks. Learners will also develop skills in planning and designing a website and once complete they will review the finished website and make suggestions for improvement.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of website design.

Why choose this qualification?

This single unit qualification is designed for learners to learn how to create a simple website using tools and techniques to add functionality, navigation buttons and hyperlinks. Learners will also develop skills in planning and designing a website and once complete they will review the finished website and make suggestions for improvement.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6533/X
  • Duration: 3 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 1 Certificate in Creative Industries


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification provides an introductory set of knowledge and skills, relevant to creative industries.

This qualification is particularly relevant for:

  • unemployed adults needing to demonstrate their interest in and commitment to a specific vocational area to potential employers, particularly where further work-based training will be on offer
  • young people on traineeships who are working at level 1 and are seeking a short, focused qualification in the sector in which they wish to work/gain an apprenticeship, as part of the work preparation training element of a traineeship
  • learners of any age who have been disengaged with learning and need a short introduction at level 1 before progressing straight to a larger certificate or diploma at level 2.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of the Creative Industries and an introduction to the skills required in the the Creative Industries sector. They will also develop their employability skills.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

This qualification is part of a suite which includes an Award, Certificate and Diploma. Learners should take the Certificate if they need a comprehensive introduction to the sector, as well as more generic workplace skills, usually over a two-year period, before progressing to a level 2 Apprenticeship or Level 2 qualification, or to employment (with further training where possible), as illustrated in the target learner profiles provided above.

Which sector does this qualification support?

This qualification could lead to an entry-level role in the creative industries sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 1 Diploma in Creative Industries, including Gateway Qualifications’ Level 1 Diploma in Creative Industries as well as other Level 1 or 2 qualifications

Progression & entry requirements

Learners do not need any prior qualifications or a specific level of attainment to take this qualification.

  • Cost: £750
  • Qualification Number:603/6739/8
  • Duration: 2 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Digital Skills for Work


What is the purpose of this qualification?

The Basic Digital Skills Report 2018 published following a Digital Skills survey conducted by Ipsos Mori (commissioned by Lloyds Banking Group) found that around 4.3 million (8%) of the UK population have no Basic Digital Skills and 11.3 million adults (21%) do not have all five Digital Skills of:

  • Managing information
  • Problem solving
  • <licreating< li=””> </licreating<>

Having no or lacking digital skills is a barrier for adults in their careers. The report found that those without/lacking digital skills:

  • earn on average £13,000 less than those with all five digital skills
  • are less likely to progress in their careers
  • miss out on significant savings that can be made through online transactions

These small, single unit, qualification has been developed to support learners to develop digital skills within a work-related context. It is based on the Essential Digital Skills Framework. 

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop the digital skills to handle information, create and edit digital content, use online communication modes, work safely and responsibly and to identify and solve technical problems.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements.

  • Cost: £750
  • Qualification Number:603/4243/2
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in E-Safety


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to make safe and responsible use of technology, either professionally or personally.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

The learners will take a single mandatory unit which covers key aspects of safe and responsible use of technology, including on-line behaviour.

Which sector does this qualification support?

The qualification is not designed to lead to employment but the knowledge of e-safety that you will gain will help you to make safe and responsible use of technology in the workplace.

What are the progression options?

The learners can move on from this qualification to IT user qualifications at Level 2 or above.

Progression & entry requirements

The learners don’t need any qualifications or any prior level of attainment to take this qualification. It is available to learners of any age.

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:601/2469/6
  • Duration: 3 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Computer Programming


What is the purpose of this qualification?

In this unit learners will learn about the principles of computer programming to understand how programming works. They will develop text-based programming skills to design and develop their own computer program.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of computer programming.

Why choose this qualification?

This single unit qualification is designed for learners to learn about the principles of computer programming to understand how programming works. They will develop text-based programming skills to design and develop their own computer program.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6537/7
  • Duration: 2 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Cybersecurity


What is the purpose of this qualification?

Learners will investigate the accidental and malicious security threats that exist to IT systems and data. They will learn about system vulnerabilities and the tools and techniques used to protect users from risks and potential damage, including loss of data, loss of data integrity and unauthorised access to data.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will learn about cybercrime and the risks and effects it has on individuals and organisations.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6534/1
  • Duration: 2 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Digital and IT Skills

What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is for learners who want to develop and extend their digital skills to prepare for employment in different roles in the digital and creative industries, such as software and programming, network support and digital design. The qualification is also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital skills are required, such as finance, marketing and machining and manufacturing. The qualification includes a mandatory unit along with optional units that relate directly to the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected by employers and cover a wide range and use of different digital technologies, systems and software.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of Digital and an introduction to the skills required in the Digital sector

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have achieved prior qualifications or units before undertaking this / this qualification. Learners can progress in several ways: 

  • broadening the range of skills they develop by increasing the size of their qualification (Award → Certificate → Diploma) 
  • developing skills at a higher level by moving up the level of qualification from Level 1 to Level 2 and then to Level 3 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6468/3
  • Duration: 3 Week
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Digital Development


What is the purpose of this qualification?

The qualification purpose is to offer learners an introduction to programming/coding in Python with an opportunity to consolidate those skills, alongside a range of digital skills and other skills valued in the workplace. The learner will produce a portfolio of small programming projects, one of which will be as part of a team, and will host those projects on a Git-based code-sharing platform.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of (Sector) and an introduction to the skills required in the (Sector) sector.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements. Learners who have completed the qualification could potentially progress to: 

  • an entry-level job where digital skills are a key part of the job role 
  • a Level 3 apprenticeship in Software Development (for those whose skills reach a high level and who have a real interest in this area of work) or a Level 3 apprenticeship in any area (digital skills are a requirement across the board). These are available for those who have the required level of maths and English, as well as good digital skills 
  • a digital T Level, including the T Level in Digital Production, Design and Development 
  • a course of learning such as Level 3 Information Technology, or any course of learning that requires a good level of digital skills. 
  • Cost: £400
  • Qualification Number:603/6444/0
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Digital Graphics


What is the purpose of this qualification?

In this unit learners will develop an understanding of the different types of digital graphics and how they are used. They will research and plan design ideas in response to a client brief and learn how to manipulate digital graphics using photo and vector editing techniques to create bitmap and vector graphics for specific purposes. This unit also allows learners to obtain feedback on their work for review and further development.
ateway Qualifications Level 2 Digital qualifications is to give learners knowledge and understanding and an introduction to the Digital skills required in to support progression to employment, to an apprenticeship or to further study at a higher level.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of digital graphics.

Why choose this qualification?

This single unit qualification is designed for learners to develop an understanding of the different types of digital graphics and how they are used. They will generate ideas in response to client requirements and learn how to use tools and techniques to manipulate and create digital graphics for different purposes. While they can easily be offered as stand-alone bite-sized awards, the new qualifications could also be usefully combined with other units or qualifications into meaningful packages of learning.


The single unit within each qualification is also included within Digital and IT Skills qualifications.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6535/3
  • Duration: 2 Weeks
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Games Design and Development


What is the purpose of this qualification?

In this unit, learners will develop an initial idea into a 2D or 3D game. They will create visuals to show what the game will look like, as well as a design specification that documents all aspects of the game. They will then create the assets for the game engine and add interaction to make a playable game. This unit also allows learners to obtain feedback on their work for review and further development.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of games design and development.

Why choose this qualification?

This single unit qualification is designed for learners to develop an initial idea into a game prototype. They will create visuals to show what the game will look like, as well as a design proposal that outlines aspects of the game. They will then present their game prototype and review their performance. While they can easily be offered as stand-alone bite-sized awards, the new qualifications could also be usefully combined with other units or qualifications into meaningful packages of learning.


The single unit within each qualification is also included within Digital and IT Skills qualifications.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6539/0
  • Duration: 3 Weeks
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Mobile App Development


What is the purpose of this qualification?

Learners will investigate the characteristics and uses of mobile apps. They will also design, develop and test their own mobile app in line with a design specification.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of mobile app development.

Why choose this qualification?

This single unit qualification is designed for learners to investigate the characteristics and uses of mobile apps. They will also design, develop and test their own mobile app in line with a design specification. While they can easily be offered as stand-alone bite-sized awards, the new qualifications could also be usefully combined with other units or qualifications into meaningful packages of learning.



The single unit within this qualification is also included within Digital and IT Skills qualifications.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6536/5
  • Duration: 3 Weeks
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Photo Editing Software


What is the purpose of this qualification?

Learners will understand how to use photo editing software to enhance and modify digital photos. They will learn how to select and layer photo compositions, and develop the skills to enhance photos using colour correction and adjustment techniques. They will also learn how to merge and combine photo elements to create professional digital images.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will further develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of photo editing software.

Why choose this qualification?

This single unit qualification is designed for learners to understand how to use photo editing software to enhance and modify digital photos. They will learn how to select and layer photo compositions and develop the skills to enhance photos using colour correction and adjustment techniques. They will also learn how to merge and combine photo elements to create professional digital images. While they can easily be offered as stand-alone bite-sized awards, the new qualifications could also be usefully combined with other units or qualifications into meaningful packages of learning.


The single unit within each qualification is also included within Digital and IT Skills qualifications.


Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6748/9
  • Duration: 3 Weeks
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Social Media Marketing


What is the purpose of this qualification?

In this unit learners will learn how social media marketing is used to promote products and services. They will understand how digital technologies, channels and platforms are used in social media marketing campaigns, and develop ideas and strategies to create and present a social media marketing campaign proposal for a particular product or service.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of social media marketing.

Why choose this qualification?

This single unit qualification is designed for learners to learn how social media marketing is used to promote products and services. They will know the characteristics of different audiences and how social media channels and platforms can be used to engage with them. Learners will create and plan social media marketing activities and draft content to promote a product or service to an audience.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6538/9
  • Duration: 3 Weeks
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Award in Website Design and Development


What is the purpose of this qualification?

Learners will investigate website design and plan, design and create their own website in response to a client brief. They will test and refine the website against the client brief and review their own performance.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of website design and development.

Progression & entry requirements

There are no entry requirements

  • Cost: £300
  • Qualification Number:603/6540/7
  • Duration: 3 Weeks
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Certificate in Digital and IT Skills


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is for learners who want to develop and extend their digital skills to prepare for employment for different roles in the digital and creative industries, such as software and programming, network support and digital design. The qualification is also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital skills are required, such as finance, marketing and machining and manufacturing. The qualification includes a mandatory unit along with optional units that relate directly to the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected by employers and covers a wide range and use of different digital technologies, systems and software.


What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of Digital and an introduction to the skills required in the Digital sector

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have achieved prior qualifications or units prior to undertaking this/these qualifications. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • broadening the range of skills they develop by increasing the size of their qualification (Award → Certificate → Diploma) 
  • developing skills at a higher level by moving up the level of qualification from Level 1 to Level 2 and then to Level 3
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost: £750
  • Qualification Number:603/6502/X
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Certificate In IT User Skills (ITQ)


What is the purpose of this qualification?

The purpose of this qualification is to develop a learners’understanding and skills in IT to enable progression to further learning and/or within work and daily lives.


This qualification can support learners with a spiky profile whereby learners can achieve a proportion of the learning at a higher/lower or lower level than that of the qualification.


Units have been developed according to the National Occupational Standards for Using IT.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

This qualification requires learners to complete a mandatory unit in Improving Productivity Using IT as well as additional optional units from the following areas:

  • Audio software
  • Bespoke software
  • Collaborative Technologies
  • Computer basics
  • Computerised Accounting
  • Data management software
  • Database software
  • Design and Imagining software
  • Design software
  • Desktop publishing software
  • Digital lifestyle
  • Drawing and planning software
  • Email
  • Imaging software
  • Improving productivity using IT
  • Internet and World Wide Web
  • IT communication fundamentals
  • IT software fundamentals
  • IT system performance
  • Mobile IT devices
  • Multimedia software
  • Personal information management software
  • Presentations software
  • Productivity programmes
  • Project management software
  • Specialist software
  • Spreadsheet software
  • Video software
  • Website software
  • Word processing software

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

Learners can progress in two ways:


  • increasing the range of skills they have by increasing the size of their qualification (Award → Certificate → Diploma)
  • developing skills at a higher level by moving up the level of qualification from Level 2 to Level 3


The Level 2 Certificate in IT User Skills (ITQ) is most suitable for learners who require a programme of learning to develop their general IT skills that can be applied in learning or employment of for those require a period of time to develop a specific / specialist aspect of their IT skills that can be applied in learning or their job role, e.g accountancy or an IT Support Technician.

Which sector does this qualification support?

This qualification provides formal recognition of a learner’s IT Skills that can be applied in current or future employment for a variety of roles that require a considerable amount of time spent applying general IT skills in their day-to-day work or for those who require specialist IT skills.

How will this qualification support the learner’s independence?

This qualification forms part of the ITQ Framework that was developed, led by e-skills UK the Sector Skills Council for, Business, Information and Technology, to provide a flexible framework for recognising achievements in IT skills across the UK within the education system and industry.

Progression & entry requirements

The qualification is designed for the following learner groups: 
  • Those in education to ensure they are equipped with the appropriate skills to support their personal or career development. 
  • Those preparing for employment or in employment to gain a level of skills application and development to enable practical exploitation of the potential of IT within the business environment 
  • Those preparing for or in employment to develop skills for specific systems and software applications within industry and/or specifically for job roles in the IT sector. It is likely that learners at this level will have level 1 skills and experience; may require considerable support at times, but may also have some capability to learn and develop skills with some autonomy. The approved age range for these qualifications is: pre 16; 16-18 and 19+.
  • Cost: £750
  • Qualification Number:601/4048/3
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Diploma in Digital and IT Skills


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is for learners who want to develop and extend their digital skills to prepare for employment for different roles in the digital and creative industries, such as software and programming, network support and digital design. The qualification is also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital skills are required, such as finance, marketing and machining and manufacturing. The qualification includes a mandatory unit along with optional units that relate directly to the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected by employers and covers a wide range and use of different digital technologies, systems and software. 

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of Digital and an introduction to the skills required in the Digital sector


Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have achieved prior qualifications or units prior to undertaking this/these qualifications. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 


  • broadening the range of skills they develop by increasing the size of their qualification (Award → Certificate → Diploma) 
  • developing skills at a higher level by moving up the level of qualification from Level 1 to Level 2 and then to Level 3 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost: £ 1,987
  • Qualification Number: 603/6505/5
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Diploma In IT User Skills (ITQ)


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is designed to confirm occuapational competence for learners working within or seeking employment in the IT sector, in particular for those working with IT systems and software.


This qualification forms part of the ITQ Framework . This qualification can support learners with a spiky profile whereby learners can achieve a proportion of the learning at a higher/lower or lower level than that of the qualification.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

This qualification requires learners to complete a mandatory unit in Improving Productivity Using IT as well as additional optional units from the following areas:

  • Audio software
  • Bespoke software
  • Collaborative Technologies
  • Computer basics
  • Computerised Accounting
  • Data management software
  • Database software
  • Design and Imagining software
  • Design software
  • Desktop publishing software
  • Digital lifestyle
  • Drawing and planning software
  • Email
  • Imaging software
  • Improving productivity using IT
  • Internet and World Wide Web
  • IT communication fundamentals
  • IT software fundamentals
  • IT system performance
  • Mobile IT devices
  • Multimedia software
  • Personal information management software
  • Presentations software
  • Productivity programmes
  • Project management software
  • Specialist software
  • Spreadsheet software
  • Video software
  • Website software

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

The Level 2 Diploma in IT User Skills (ITQ) is most suitable for learners who require a significant programme of learning to develop their general IT skills that can be applied in learning or employment or for those require a period of time to develop a specific / specialist aspect of their IT skills to confirm occupational competence in their job role, eg an IT Support Technician.


Which sector does this qualification support?

This qualification provides formal recognition of a learner’s IT Skills that can be applied in current or future employment for a variety of roles that require a considerable amount of time spent applying general IT skills in their day-to-day work or for those who require specialist IT skills. Learners are looking to be in a job role that might require the following:


  • Providing support and assistance to colleagues to make effective use of available IT systems and software.
  • Developing, testing and implementing solutions to improve workplace productivity through the use of IT using the advanced features of IT Application Software in the creation and amendment of many types of formatted information, including documents, diagrams, spreadsheets and presentations.
  • Maintaining simple websites, using the internet to find and exchange information.
  • Using social media to disseminate information.


This could be in a number of industry sectors such as Office/Business Administration; Ac

Progression & entry requirements

It is likely that learners at this level will have level 1 skills and experience; may require considerable support at times, but may also have some capability to learn and develop skills with some autonomy. The approved age range for these qualifications is: 

  • pre 16; 16-18 and 19+. Learners can progress in two ways: •
  • increasing the range of skills they have by increasing the size of their qualification (Award → Certificate → Diploma) 
  • developing skills at a higher level by moving up the level of qualification from Level 2 to Level 3


  • Cost: £ 1,987 
  • Qualification Number: 600/9777/2
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 2 Extended Certificate in Digital and IT Skills


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is for learners who want to develop and extend their digital skills to prepare for employment for different roles in the digital and creative industries, such as software and programming, network support and digital design. The qualification is also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital skills are required, such as finance, marketing and machining and manufacturing. The qualification includes a mandatory unit along with optional units that relate directly to the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected by employers and covers a wide range and use of different digital technologies, systems and software.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of the core areas of Digital and an introduction to the skills required in the Digital sector

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have achieved prior qualifications or units prior to undertaking this/these qualifications. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • broadening the range of skills they develop by increasing the size of their qualification (Award → Certificate → Diploma) 
  • developing skills at a higher level by moving up the level of qualification from Level 1 to Level 2 and then to Level 3 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.

  • Cost: £ 1,265
  • Qualification Number: 603/6515/8
  • Duration: 5 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Not Available

Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:

  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Digital Business Solutions.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Digital Business Solutions.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Digital Business Solutions.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Digital Business Solutions area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 3 diploma in Digital Business Solutions, including Gateway Qualifications’ Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways:

  • progressing to a larger qualification at the same level (Certificate to Diploma)
  • progressing to a higher level qualification
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost: £1,265.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6761/1
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • Prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • Prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Digital Engineering Design.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.


What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Digital Engineering Design.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Digital Engineering Design.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Digital Engineering Design area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 3 diploma in Digital Engineering Design, including Gateway Qualifications’ Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: – progressing to a larger qualification at the same level (Certificate to Diploma) – progressing to a higher level qualification – progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills. 

  • Cost: 1,265.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6762/3
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:

– prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level

– prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Digital Product Design.

This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.  

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Digital Product Design.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Digital Product Design.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Digital Product Design area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 3 diploma in Digital Product Design, including Gateway Qualifications’ Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a larger qualification at the same level (Certificate to Diploma) 
  • progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.


  • Cost: 1,265.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6764/7
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Games Technologies.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Games Technologies.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Games Technologies.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Games Technologies area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 3 diploma in Games Technologies, including Gateway Qualifications’ Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a larger qualification at the same level (Certificate to Diploma) 
  • progressing to a higher level qualification – progressing to an apprenticeship 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost: 1,265.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6766/0
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Networking and Cybersecurity.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Games Technologies.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Networking and Cybersecurity.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Networking and Cybersecurity area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 3 diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity, including Gateway Qualifications’ Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a larger qualification at the same level (Certificate to Diploma) 
  • progressing to a higher level qualification – progressing to an apprenticeship 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost: 1,265.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6768/4
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Social Media for E-Commerce.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Social Media for E-Commerce.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Social Media for E-Commerce.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Social Media for E-Commerce area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 3 diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce, including Gateway Qualifications’ Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a larger qualification at the same level (Certificate to Diploma) – progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost:£ 1,265.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6770/2
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Systems Infrastructure.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.


What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Systems Infrastructure.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Systems Infrastructure.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Systems Infrastructure area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 3 diploma in Systems Infrastructure, including Gateway Qualifications’ Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a larger qualification at the same level (Certificate to Diploma) – progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost:£ 1,265.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6774/X
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Digital Business Solutions.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Digital Business Solutions.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Digital Business Solutions.

Which sector does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Digital Business Solutions area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 4 qualification within Digital Business Solutions.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost:£ 1,987.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6760/X
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills with Digital Engineering Design.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Digital Engineering Design.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Digital Engineering Design.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Digital Engineering Design area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 4 qualification in Digital Engineering Design.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure


Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost:£ 1,987.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6763/5
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Digital Product Design.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.


What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Digital Product Design.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.


How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Digital Product Design.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 4 qualification in Digital Product Design.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost:£ 1,987.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6765/9
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Games Technologies.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Games Technologies.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Games Technologies.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Games Technologies area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 4 qualification in Games Technologies.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.


  • Cost:£ 1,987.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6767/2
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Networking and Cybersecurity.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Networking and Cybersecurity.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Networking and Cybersecurity.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Networking and Cybersecurity area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 4 qualification in Networking and Cybersecurity.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure


Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.


  • Cost:£ 1,987.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6769/6
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Social Media for E-Commerce.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Social Media for E-Commerce.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Social Media for E-Commerce.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Social Media for E-Commerce. area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 4 qualification in Social Media for E-Commerce.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.
  • Cost:£ 1,987.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6771/4
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Systems Infrastructure.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Systems Infrastructure.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Systems Infrastructure.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Systems Infrastructure area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 4 qualification in Systems Infrastructure.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Software Development

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Software Development

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: –

  • progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.


  • Cost:£ 1,987.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6775/1
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Award in E-Safety


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to make safe and responsible use of technology but is particularly appropriate for professionals working with young people and/or vulnerable adults to support them in safe use of technology.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

The learners will take a single mandatory unit which covers safe and responsible use of technology, including on-line behaviour. The learners will also need to demonstrate that you are able to explain to others how to keep safe when communicating on-line.


Which sector does this qualification support?

The qualification is not designed to lead to employment but the knowledge of e-safety that learners will gain will help them to make safe and responsible use of technology in the workplace. The ability to explain the importance of e-safety to others and guide them in safe use of technology will also be an asset in many job roles.

What are the progression options?

The learner can move on from this qualification to IT user qualifications at Level 3.

Progression & entry requirements

The learners do not need any qualifications or any prior level of attainment to take this qualification. It is available to learners of any age.

  • Cost:£ 300
  • Qualification Number: 601/2470/2
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Certificate in Software Development


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Software Development.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Software Development.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Software Development.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Software Development area of the Digital sector.

  • Cost:£ 1,987.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6772/6
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 3 Diploma in Software Development


What is the purpose of this qualification?

This qualification is current and has been developed alongside consultants with years of industry knowledge to ensure that it is fit for purpose. The qualifications purpose is to:


  • prepare learners to progress to a qualification in the same sector or a related area at a higher level
  • prepare learners for employment within different roles in the digital and creative industries and in other industries that require specific digital and IT skills within Software Development.


This qualification can be used as an additional course to enhance learner apprenticeships.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

These qualifications are for learners who want to develop and extend their digital and IT skills to prepare for different roles in the digital and creative industries within Software Development.


The qualifications are also designed for job roles in other industries where specific digital and IT skills are required, such as finance, marketing, machining and manufacturing.

How is this qualification different from other, similar qualifications?

A learner should take this qualification over others because this is a current qualification which will advance learner skills in Software Development.

Which job roles does this qualification support?

This qualification will give learners the additional skills to enhance their knowledge within the Software Development area of the Digital sector.

What are the progression options?

Learners can progress to a Level 4 qualification in Software Development.


Progression onto a higher level qualification, such as the Gateway Qualifications Level 5 Diploma in Web Application Development may also be possible.


Alternatively, learners can choose to continue on to another course within our Level 3 Digital suite:


Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Business Solutions

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Engineering Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Digital Product Design

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Games Technologies

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Networking and Cybersecurity

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Social Media for E-Commerce

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Certificate in Systems Infrastructure

Gateway Qualifications Level 3 Diploma in Systems Infrastructure

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have undertaken a specific qualification, but learners should be able to demonstrate the skills and ability to study at Level 3. English and Maths at Level 2 will provide a good foundation for successful progression. Learners can progress in a number of ways: 

  • progressing to a higher level qualification 
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills.


  • Cost:£ 1,987.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/6773/8
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Information and Digital Technologies


The ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Information and Digital Technologies is a 60-credit Ofqual regulated qualification and is the equivalent level to an A Level or Access to HE qualification. It has been designed for learners who wish to progress to a Bachelor’s degree and may not have the traditional entry qualifications usually required.


The qualification aims to provide learners with the underpinning knowledge and understanding of a range of topics within the Information and Digital Technology environment. These topics will allow learners to develop practical and theoretical approaches to solving problems and finding solutions using Information and Digital Technologies.


This qualification sits within a suite of ATHE L3 qualifications, which is called the International Access Programme (IAP). Each qualification has a credit value of 60. Learners may choose to study one or more of the qualifications in this suite.

Typical Age

This qualification is designed for learners who are typically aged 16 and above.


For learners who have recently been in education or training the entry profile is likely to include one of the following:

  • 5 or more GCSEs at grades C and above or Grade 4 and above
  • other related level 2 subjects
  • other equivalent international qualifications


For those whom English is not their first language we recommend the following standards of proficiency in English language skills or an approved equivalent for this qualification:

  • IELTs 
  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) B2
  • Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) 162 or above
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic 42-49
  • Cost:£ 3345
  • Qualification Number: 603/5574/8
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

Level 5 Diploma in Web Application Development


What is the purpose of this qualification?

The qualification purpose is to upskill those already working in a website development role but also to offer learners with no previous experience in programming a pathway to employment in this occupational area.


The qualification will be awarded to learners who successfully achieve an approved combination of units through a portfolio of evidence that has been successfully verified and monitored through Gateway Qualifications’ Quality Assurance process.


Achievement is therefore determined by successful completion of unit assessment with no further requirement for additional/summative assessment.

What skills, knowledge, or understanding does this qualification develop?

  • knowledge and skills in the design, development and testing of code solutions to information processing problems
  • competence in the application of frameworks and code libraries to optimise the production and testing of code solutions
  • knowledge and understanding of systems for storing data and acquire skills in accessing and integrating data from various sources
  • an understanding of the characteristics of user interfaces and implement solutions that meet user requirements
  • competence in the deployment of web-based information systems that are secure
  • competence in working in a team managing a project to deliver a coding solution.

Progression & entry requirements

There is no requirement for learners to have prior skills, knowledge or understanding. However, centres should review the prior qualifications and experience of each learner and consider whether they provide the necessary foundations to undertake this programme of study at level 5.

  • Cost:£ 4,170.00
  • Qualification Number: 603/5574/8
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Awarding Body:Gateway
  • Funding Available

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